Thursday, June 20, 2013

Caution! Midnight Malicious Thoughts

Let me cry, this time only, to save me from myself...

Once in a while, allow me to regret something I didn’t do...

I ended up wondering how much I have to lower my expectations just to feel a little happiness...

I need an extreme change. That kind of change that literally proves this life is really worth living with all body and soul… 

I don't always fall, but when I fall, I break into thousands of pieces…

The more you ignore them, the more they will haunt you down when you least expect…

As I walk, it feels like stepping barefooted on broken hearts...

And maybe amnesia is the best cure for everything...

I’m really not afraid. I’ve been here before. Feels like home...

I'm sorry... I lost my superpowers...

"Even heroes have the right to bleed..."

Tuesday, June 4, 2013


I learned that it's pointless to try to understand the people. The only thing you'll get from this is a headache. So take them as they are or let them be. Love them and cherish them as long as you have them in your life.

I learned that all those situations you once called problems, simply fade away when you compare them to the pain the death of someone you love has caused you.

I learned that age is just an illusion. The real age stays in your heart and actions.

I learned that the colourful song of a nightingale in the middle of the night can heal so many wounds and bring out so much peace, no matter how hopeless you feel.

I learned how amazing it can be to truly learn important lessons from every single person that crosses your path in life. Open your eyes wide and your heart even wider!

I learned that we can't all make a difference to the world. But if each one of us makes a difference to at least one person in our life, imagine how much different the whole world would then be. 

I learned that sometimes the best way to make a dream come true is not to dream about it anymore. It will come true one day, after a while, when maybe you don't even want it anymore.

Make the Difference

Some people talk too much not because of a common need for chattering. But because of so many feelings floating in their hearts and so many thoughts stuck in their minds. And because they don't have too often the opportunity to let it all out. That’s why, once they grab it, they will create worlds behind the words, they will be able to heal wounds and raise hopes high, to pour sparkles in the deepest darkness and put some smiles where they are missing.
Just pay attention and make the difference.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Despre magie

Magia unei îmbrățișări cu parfum de soare,
magia unui basm trăit în copilărie printre balauri și feți frumoși,
magia unui secret împărtășit sub candoarea unei nopți pistruiate,
magia imaginației scăpate de sub control,
magia unei inimi delicate care zboară alături de tine, fără să știe,
magia unui zâmbet angelic în culori,
magia increderii câștigate fără efort,
magia unei nopți vibrând note fascinante de privighetoare,
magia unei cireșe cu ochi albaștri,
magia mrejelor în care te prind copiii prin jocul lor,
magia unui suflet somnoros în pijama,
magia pașilor ce-și dau întâlnire pe la colțuri,
magia lumilor pufoase de dincolo de nori,
magia unor ferestre împodobite iarna cu nasuri turtite, dar fericite,
magia unei promisiuni desenate cu degetul printre stele,
magia foșnetelor inimii atunci când iubirea te-mblânzește...

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Not good enough, but...

I’m immature enough to drive you crazy,
but wise enough not to be lazy
when the sun caresses my dreams
in the morning.

I’m sweet enough to pretend I’m a child,
but tamed enough not to go wild
when the magic forest whispers
untold stories.

I’m strong enough to embrace my fears,
but weak enough to hide my tears
when life makes fun of me
beyond silence.

I’m kind enough to share my light,
but dark enough to lie I’m bright
when the crowded sky steals my sun
without mercy.

Un 2024 cât mai bun!

Pexels: Jill Wellington Sunt aproape 3 ani de când nu am mai scris aici și mai pe nicăieri. Prioritățile au fost altele, viața s-a scurs ori...