Friday, April 4, 2014

Love is...

Love is when you take a break from what you’re doing to kiss me at midnight, when the clock shows 00:00.

Love is when I... entertain you and drive you beautifully crazy with my upside-down world... all the time!

Love is when you surprise me with random picked flowers when we take a walk. No bought flower can ever compete with that.

Love is when I want to bite your lips until they bleed.

Love is when you hug me so tight and tell me that I am all you ever dreamed of.

Love is when I prepare you your favourite snack, while you watch a movie.

Love is when you hold me tight when you’re sleeping and never let go.

Love is when I look into your eyes and see my entire world and life in there.

Love is when you put a smile on my face whenever I’m grumpy.

Love is when I watch you sleeping, late in the afternoons, and sprinkle magic dust on your dreams.

Love is when we cuddle in the morning and refuse to leave our imperfect world to face the real world…

Love is so much more...

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